Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Lot to Process

Today was very exciting. Group Vernal made our first trek in the wild and we discovered a few things. First our pool was still a pool (just barely), second it was a vernal pool. YEAH! It also seems huge to me and I am a bit overwhelmed, but excited just the same. We saw a ton of stuff, but I am still processing a lot of it. I will share a few below.

Lot of moose tracks
Lots of moose scat
Some really cool pitch pines
Some pines and hemlocks possibly experience crisis cone production (lots and lots of cones)
Deer tracks and scat
frogs in several stages of development
Many insects including a toe-bitter- cool and yuck at the same time
Rick saw a water snake
More blueberries (high bush and low bush) than you could shake a stick at.
too many things to count

I was really excited and very overwhelmed. I am looking forward to actually collecting and compiling data as well as feeling like I actually know some stuff about these habitats. Really cool stuff.

More soon,
Bug Lover

1 comment:

Eleanor Abrams said...


You seem to balance overwhelmed with positive energy. You are a productive member of the class.