Soooooo Cool!
We refined our plan and headed out...
Whirlygigs, water striders, giant water bug, green frogs (very significant), wood frogs, back swimmers, lots more moose tracks. Today was really full.
I really enjoyed being outside and doingn, despite the awful mosquitoes which stink but are have substatially less impact on me than the positive experience of being out there. I am really enjoying and hope my motivation and enthusiam holds up. We (as evidenced above) began cataloging species today and we found a bunch. That being said after about an hour we really didn't see much more today than yesterday. I hope my powers of observation grow because I know the pool is teaming with life.
We also named the pools. I really enjoy attaching personal sentiment to natural things, however I think it is not always a good thing. Particually with animals. I worked at a nature center once and while all the rescue animals there had names, we didn't share them with the public. We didn't want to encourage the personification for wild animals because we felt it was important to respect there wildness. I think there is some overlap here. If I become chums with something I loose a bit of reverence for it. Just some thoughts I had that were interesting.
More tomorrow,
Bug Lover
Your musings about the naming of wild organisms are interesting. I have questioned what the effect of classifying organisms is. Does the classification of organisms distance us more so from these wild organisms?
A vernal pool sounds like a theme park. Tons to look at! I'm excited for you!! Good luck and I hope I have time to read more.
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